· Status Quo
Industrial Scale. Over 164 enterprises proficient in info-tech manufacturing and over 8,000 employees are of service to this industry that possesses a total asset of CNY 42.7 billion and achieves a main business income of CNY 94.8 billion, profits tax of CNY 6.43 billion and profits of CNY 4.89 billion. This sector continues to be a critical force for growth, innovation and support across multiple industries in Weihai.
· Product Range
Over 100 sorts of products in 12 categories are fabricated locally, inclusive of computer peripheral products, electronic components, electronic information and electromechanical products, electronic measuring instruments, and communication equipment etc. The industry affirms to a rising worldwide market share with the products like faxes and printers. The domestic market shares of laser printers and special printers reach 18% and 10.9% respectively; that of thermal print heads is 12.2%, and that of contact image sensors reaches 6.7%.
· Ascending
Five categories of products will be the overriding concerns for development and extensively marketed, including computer peripherals and related products, communication products, intelligent electronic products, sensors, electronic components and parts. Meanwhile, a preponderance of 6 industries for making headway is prioritized, a list including new generation communication network, integrated circuits and related products, internet of things and related industries, 3D printing technology and products, Bei Dou Navigation Satellite System Products, and high-end software and services.